I just dont want to be so shy, I want my erotical life, to feel it all, I dont need to beg for more. I just want total satisfaction, so that our love, is just no fraction.
My work is defenately not my desire, I want the skin to feel for more, I want a hedonistic lifestyle, its not the life, of which, woman can enjoy of.
I just want the hedonistic lifestyle, on everything, I just do for a lifetime. Why to choose a highway to hell. you can do it different way.
With you, its likesticking a knive to a heart, i just want to have different life to have just fun. I like the parienne softness, english arrogance, and spanish politeness.
My confort zone, is far away from Scandinavia, its too cold to have a real fun.
I just like caribean music, the colour of the nature, and a new hedonism fun. The big scheen is the only picture, where I can have the real fun.
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