You all like the rainbow lifes, i never knew they have a rainbow lifes, no wander there is no unity, you come and go, like you have no family of your own. You all have different life, as we expected, you like to peole sitting at homes, watching tv, its easy for you, you have the kids everywhere in the world, you still arrange your attention the same way, through the third people you play your game.
Are you shy of what, you have beated same way, all you know, cotrolling with the black magia, in all rooms, you feed you wallet, and playing the game in the society. You all the the whole city, to do what you want, still your game is ot beat humans, and control their health, everyday, you make new diseases, that your fiends have the work, you play with hole body.
You feed your families, give their new opportunities, to shine in their fields, you play the hole life, the black game.
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