The lousier days

Piia Myyry

You all like to play the same surroundings, its all about you and your needs, in bid cities, you like to eat, you have friends, you all play with your new friends, you like the city games, you like to spend time at trains, you have nothing fun that sit at restaurant wagons, you all like to be at home, you organizze your books, and look for a supper, the guys you dont know.

You all like your new moves, they all are tired of the easter moves, its getting the lousier days, there you need a raingoat, its your new friends, you love to see your country, its sitll summerlike weather, you just love it, itslike driving a car, wtih your friends, in the formula race.

You all have the same regions, the dark forrest, around you and your new bodies, like channel suits, you like spend time in the counry side, you love the distance it makes you relaxed, after the journeys, under european skys. You all move your bodies like in paris, you like catwork like in milan cafeterias.

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