The shadow days

Piia Myyry

You all have lived in the same way, you protect nothing, you all arrange with you old group, the same kind of actionevery day, you think its illegal, you fuck in daylights, and beat at shadow, black gates, like old times, you yourself look fine, all the beautiful people are on the grave now, they ant do their cat walks no more, there is always someone, between the action.

You like the same kind of fun, you and your old spouses, like the same game, doesnt it go too raw, you like to see the shadow days, you work in your own homes, but you dont prevent nothing, or take care of your own people, you are like the other girls, its all about your needs.

You have the same skills, you like the lovepower, its with lions easy, they have these invisible forces, its easy to run family life, lift all the time and needs. You dont see it in the daylight, you have not that power, it comes like the moon in the evening, . every day with the same people, so it all is so easy.

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