The split of their wifes

Piia Myyry

You all want to see the people suffer, its enough for you to drink coffee, you all want to see the same cry, i am already old enough to see it, you play the same homocide game, its al l informed to police, you arrange the same scheens your self, you are all the time the same guy, who want to beat women to death.

Rolling all the time empty, the triangle you see, its your own game, you thing the big cities are not safe, you and your friends, always roll it the same, you all beat to billinnares friends, you all are lethal, you can see it from your own games, you all come from finland, you are so insane, that it is not fun.

You all have fun at your cars, you really are raw to your childs, you all do nothing exept a new scheen, you play with other peoples living, they say what they do, and still do, you havens seen th violance, in you, you have taken the northenr people, . you see how the nerves crack, when the split of their wifes.

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