The sun is for you like a icebraker (joululevy 3)


This is a winter time, for us its under the caribean sun, there is no snowflakes, just all the crazy xmas stuff, and new, funny xmas faces.

The north pole is far-far away, it surely feels like a xmas day, I dont even remember those cold season days, you are now like my xmas angel. that is, what i need, to be as happy as now, for all ages.

We are living in our new house, It is not defenately any country house, it is far away from the snowflakes and north see, life is all the time like xmas beats, there is though no raindeers, or any snowflakes for you to feed.

The northern xmas is just the products, its a big party to have fun, xmas is a day of decorating a human, not the house, or giving just the empty promeses.

You are just a memory of the old xmas times, in the northern land, where people are just lazy, and dont know how, to have fun.

The rhythme of the Scandinavian like is far away, there is now the better days ahead, you look happy in the sun, its giving you warmth, and melts you, like icebrakers of old times.

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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