The work is hard

Piia Myyry

You are all the same family, you are not friends, you have the same style of violence, you like it all, you make them work like old days, they get easily tired, and move on, the the school and works, in finland, after the boyfriends you move.

You get married and divorce, you take the new boyfriends, romancing the stone, you are really never happy, you want to have action, its your life, they want to rest, the work is hard, they get tired of it.

You have already 25 kids aound you, 'one schooli is full of your kids, they have same parents, l ike during the winter wars, everything is just nice and happy, I have been living in different cities, this is my hometown, small and still easy, its for the kid, now all my age liive in bigger cities.

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