You like all your games, its comes easily, you have your student friends in helsinki, you know each other, you really need it, i have there my school friends from the teenage, they are already big, all the teens and their ex-wifes, they have new need.
You cant change your own life, you tag along peoples child, nothing is enough, you have not the same sky, you all do your every day tasks, its the same, you get bored, and change, the man, so you see the different roads, all day long.
Ita all the same tripla life, which you see in metropolitan lifes, big cities have different facilities, its all your life, maybe it goes easily. Its all done for you, every day, you are lazy, you just make the coffee every day.
you all pour your coffees and look happy, there is nothing to do, its corona season, again, your joy is to meet women, its your salt, you make them laugh, they make them cry, you must have a lot of women, they like light lifes, it comes from you easily.
Wrong people suck all the energy, the light has disappeared again, you like life, they like diseases, their illegal game, there is people suffering every day, that you have your work, still, in your doctors, talks.
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