They are university people

Piia Myyry

You all have not any friends, you see you old bodies, you dont know, how they are changed, you play your own games, you have your own marks, so you life.

You live in your new surroundings, you are not at all, of your own, you life in gates, more and more, you all find the new things, you have your wonders, here everything is easy.

You are looking for some cirmes, it is all the time raw, its not any homy life, you can go with your friends, in the secureity places, if you are afraid of shadow games, they are university people, they make science, even here it is not so big.

You all get excited of the people, so you spend your times, you like to speak, all day long, you all are keen on your own lifes, nothing happens here, they like their peaceful lifes.

The games are the same like old times, you all want to see the rougher times, they all are checked of violance, their lifestyle is not from, ordinary frames.

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