You try to get them to hospital every day, you like your criminal life, it must be in every day, you really make harsh violance, pain is present all the day, just because the dick doesnt work, you beat people to the same stage, you want to see them suffer.
You get bored of your husband, yell to people, you dont care, its always somebody elses world, you are nowadays angry, all day long, all my friends are abroad, you all do nothing, you have a lot of opinions, you travel nowhere alone, its over the days, same boredom.
You all come from the woods, there is nothing to do, you all get bored of everything, you dont do any plannes, you run after women, its your thing.
Somebody beats you in your rooms, nothing stops, even they work all days in their offices, they just follow the rooms, people make reports to the offices, 'they play with cancer, and cause deseases, over the night, when there is a moon lights.
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