Its your sister, you see her in her kitchen, you have lived like that, forever, there is no change, to any daily rhythm, you want to stay like that all days, there is one milloin people in the city all the days, it doenst really move much, you find it boring, they suck all your energy, during the days.
You want more but you dont like any parties, you just sit home every days, you dont want to see any new places, you can connect to it, but you have seen it all, you like to tease women, so that they just vanish, you really increase all you dimentions, there is no core anymore, you just dont want it, its all about you, you dont really want to see, the other peoples feelings, and i am not keen on shearing it.
There is always another man waiting, you wonder why, you play all the same game, over the years and every day, i get rid of you I dont stand your face, better to move, So you feel it how it feels.
Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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