Fits for the hospitals well, its easy to see that you have no friends, you do what you want, you play the same game with, the same friends, i havent seen them for 20 years, i never liked them, when I was young, they where strange.
You like to work in hospitals, you live in shadow world, make your own moves there, like guys abroad, when they see their friends, they code all the time of the violance, at home, you make the crimes, with your friends, you all are under investigation, of your violent nights, people feel tired, they want that the whole thing stops.
Its again the easter season, you see your friends, and beat them again, to the circles, you like to see them, you have lived like that, over the years, all your friends and family has cancel, you and your friends make them yourself.
You all have had your extra skills, all the time, the same people look tires, you prevent their living, you get excited of the police work, which is to prevent crimes at states, you dont see it that way, you like to see more crimes, everyday.
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