They wait for their boyfriends, they look lazy, after the long nights at their houses, they dont care about anybody else, except their own needs. Its useless to waste your time, to fill their empty places.
I just want a tender life, places, where to go, and the climat, which is easy. It softens your life, it feels really different, you surely know it, if you have seen the life.
I am bored of being in here, in the north, working all day long, without the proper home, its all the same, the flats, you just need here a shelter. I hope, it is not like this, the rest of the days.
Your life is like in the american movies, you have wanted, to chase the better life anyway,
The life in this city is small, we only have one shopping mole, in the centre for sure. We have the supermercados by the highways, there is so few, thati havent seen any new for ages.
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