Going to other direction, its not my life, you all have the same lovers as the old times, you seek for the same kind of fun, maybe it all has been too much, you like that part, you do nothing but cook, you go nowhere but walk, you are all the time the same mood, it all comes with you and your group.
You beat people to the sickleafs, they have done work over the years, you have graduated at the age of 30, they count all the merits, its all in their cv`s, you all have been only in one room, at work, you do fine, you have severeal childs, you like the school life, its the same streets all the time.
You all like to play eith your childs, you do fine, I guess, you play with your own friends, and go around the city, you already have the big city lifes, its not about the family, more like living in your own city, with your friends, who back up our life, when it is something wrong, you need it.
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