I just have my life, I dont want to comprome it, because of somebody else. Maybe because of the family, but that can be the only reason.
Its easier to life in the city centre, where everything is close, the everyday life, is just not so big work.
Or you just wish, you would have, somebody elses life, where to stay, I just want to change Pampers, and see the baby face. Everything else can just stay.
All the restless days, when you were just eating, in the same places, where guys, just were breaking, somebody elses places, not to taking care of anything, just their own faces.
There is time for everything, some days, you just need to be faster, in some places, it is just the life, which is all for us given, you just make choises of the quality, its just a way of life.
You just choose your own time, you cant really own anybody, its their choise, really to stay. It is really not so different life, with the same person every day.
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