You all have your own problems, you really are like roommates, there is nothing intresting, you all like the same style, you come form the big cities, where you have to take care, of your own lifes.
You have no licence to work, in finland nomore, you belong,to diseace groups, followed by police, all day long, like in big cities,
You all have morgage, and other important tasks, you come and go to work, all day long, you work in the evenings, its your life, you have been doing, a lot all your lifes, you all have the same lifes, few kids and the work in the city, you life city life.
You all have the similar lifes, you work in shops like brands, and other peoples, lives, you have some office, you work at your own, its not easy to run a business of your own, you need to do all the time something, you must be keen on it.
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