You like you potter kind of lifes, you do nothing, you like to surrender all the time, i have really nothing to say, its all so boring, that change the game, you all think you can life like that, you all are in police, there is too much violance acts, you try to be good to your childs, you really make them misirable, you can see it from their face.
You all like to play with your friends, its all the same games, the city people can do what they please, you really beat peolple cancer pacientes, they dont stop, they observe all the time, peoples moves, like they were cops, on their games.
You all like your northern black quards, they have the own loops, they like to sit at home, with their husbands, you all have the similar natures, you all life in north, its not the southern place, you hit well like in wars, to the beds, you like like russian roulets, new games, you do really nothing more, so you all work...
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