You all like your love

Piia Myyry

Yu all like your loves, you pay them all, so that they stay, you all have your own goals, you trust your old friends,

you have a good nertwork, of people around, its all business, you need them to your payroll,

you all have fun tonight, you have a new contract, agent have own needs, they celebrate of a new payday,

summer days are gone, its autumn you need a new work, you want man to pay, its your own choise, like latino girls, they dont need to work.

Dont you have a husband who keeps you like a fleur, keeps behind the glasses, they nobody steels you, you want to own.

They beat women to be home, they are insane, like they own their lifes, in their own homes, to be jealouse, its just a code for a new beatings,

you really have no limits, you do it all the time, you go to hooker houses, beat your wifes, have instabil emotional lifes, you make money of it.

We cant see you real faces, just when it all pumps to surfice, its totally different style. like in russian times.

Forced money for your own lifes, stealing from other peoples pockets, corrupted money transfers all the time.-

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