You all like your past, it all comes from the east, you all have some problems, you have all your friends, you guide them to the other place, you get your own space, having all the nagging, all the days, you all like to see your relatives, see them every days.
You all are so jealous, 'run after dick, to see their space, when you get, what you want, you take the space of your control, you beat all your wifes to the hospitals, you kill them to the hospitals, want to see their suffering, the rest of their days.
You never call to police, you all are in gates, you see the violance, but you do nothing, its not really nice to see your face, you are the same group of people, you spent your days in violance gates.
You really are the burden in every place, you cook its enough, the people have big families, they guide them every days, you go around the house, by walk, every day, you do nothing, you are pist of everything.
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