You beat your friends

Piia Myyry

You all arrange crimes, you roll like a circle, you find new operations all the time, you all like to stay at your rooms, you really do nothing, there is many people, who do your work, at your rooms.

You are always the person, who causes the harms, you are a doctor, you do it all the time, the other peolpe go to hobbies, you run your own surveillance, you like to follow good looking boys.

You are all the sam lazy guys, you have time to check the situations, but you are not invited, you all like liability and slanderr suits, it fits for you, you have nothing else to do.

You have not much to choose from, you all do well, you are not keen on other peoples work, you all are like kids, you all have, all the time every kinds of feelings. You dont care about people at all, you come to drink your coffee, so other people do the work, you beat you friends, or neighbours during the days, you spend your hole life, the same life.

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