You break their bones (nerå)

Piia Myyry

You all have your own little cups, you all like to beat human, and get attention so to your moves, you really play with your friens, i am too old to see it all over again, you get the court orders of your violence, you havent never stopped it, its your group with the same kind of people, you like to control with violance, people.

You beat people who are rich, you beat women and neighbours, with you best friends, i never got anything easily, they have gain all the work, like you all like your videogames in real life, you do what you are feeted, all is after all violance, you and your family benefit of it.

You like murder games, suddenly, something happens during the days, you break their bones, like that you keep it healthcare, you have that side, the look is insane, you gladly tell your own stories, that like shadow world, you see it in their face. You see the infodeck, its in the riverside, you like to walk on beach side.

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