You can be a rockstar

Piia Myyry

I already had a band, when i was a child, girlband and music tv, on that time, playing drums was my like, writing lyrics on time to time, its was all fun, you had a school band, upper glass child, you liked that kind of life, ' like metal bands, had their time.

You all liket he music, its fits for you, from videos you see how you move, do it like nicole, on tv, the girlbands are your only lifes, you like clothes and music, it makes you feeling alive, now your have your own families and child.

You all have had it all, you you have the families of your own, music has changed your living, its your work, so you get payed, it is all the same kind of live, on stages, you can be a rockstar, you like the bid lights, its easy to enjoy, of the time

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