You come and go


I just believe in us, its easier like that, we all have our moments, some people are like robots, they just run away of every thing, andleave the others to fix their own mistakes.

You came and go, dont think of anything, you try to get intensity, of playing with women, but are you sure, it goes like that, what if they just get fed up, of watching it, do you think, sex is the stronger force, than respect.

You need always a third party to feel something, its not love, just teasing in a bad way, its selffish and hurts feelings, dont you think, we are already mature enough, to see the difference, between you two.

You can already feel it on your skin, it doesnt really feel good, i dont really want to inveite you to my room, of to my bed, its hard to breath, you suck all the energy from me.

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