You dont want more

Piia Myyry

You all want to stay at home, with your new loops, you follow you boyfriends, with their new mates, its interesting for you, you do no good, you really want to see people schreaming, you get new and new production, dont you think humans at all.

You really make them pain, every day, your clinical work have side effects, you reallly keep people in state of aggression, you arrange new criminal scheens everyday, behind the curtain, we see your real face.

You all are mean to each others, you really respect the life, its just a big gamenight, for university people, you like passion and excitement, you like the softr style, you all have your own living habits, its all so childess, i dont need to see it.

You have been living like this ages, its your community, you like people talk, they like peace, which you seen to give, you wan teverybody to compensate you holes, its all the time the same kind of life, you dont want more.

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