You get the excitement

Piia Myyry

You all have your another side, like Ville Valo, like the erotics and passion, which excitement gives, you really like the violence and sex, like adults women are just toys for you, you get the exitement, of the illegal actions you make, you really like the violence like russian roulet.

you like your new connections, where you can keep women as slaves, like old times, they have no value, at all so you bound them to your own lifes, you like psykiatric games, its all the time controlling peoples lives, seeing how the faces look, you get the distance of violence, you dont see your kids, else they have every kind of fractures all their lifes, work and personal needs are the same.

You like to talk about peoples lifes, you dont know how they live, or why they are protected, you like people so suffering, l ike in spain where people have, loose their face, in doctors games. Have you loose your faces in your new games, the more north you go the crazies is the life, you just dont know it, they all are some distant relatives, they are lazy, you must do everything, they give nothing, take all you have, even you dont give it.

You want to have it all, by waiting, you have no studies, everything is easy, you can stay at your home, you stay everywhere, so they dont come, thay dont like you att all, you are all in the same sector, the black, you use it all, you dont move at all, you live in your own zone.

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