You have everything


You stare at me like a dog, I am bored to this our world, I like a paralell universum on earth, it has hit me a long time ago. It gives you the richness, everyday, you cant even hope for, more.

Parallel-universum is a metro stop in Barcelona, its in university area, where all the people just wnat more, to be educated, and more and more.

I am just sitting here, and tasting some spanish cava, it is a sunny day, and i want to stay out the hole day. The people are young and excited, the life here is light, near the beach.

This is a new years eve, for everyone it is a day for love, and tasting champagne with some new love. I am just a university person, everything grows here slow, since thay have more to give, and more knowlegde.

The guys have time to have fun, they wake early, and have so much energy. I just love to be with you, its easy, you have all the money, me to feed. You really can buy, everything the world can give.

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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