You all want to start a scheen, its always some criminal, so you life, you all dont want to see your friends, you dont get along, you like the raw face, you all come from the east, so you all have lived, you all life in other cities, its not our life, you go around here, stranger in the cities.
You all slip in the big things, its not your life, you life how you life, you have chosen your side, they have been living many land, and seen the life, you all like to be part of violance, its illegal in lands, everywhere, they take actions as they wish, its all about you and your games.
You all life to be in peoples lifes, you have no access to this room or the life, you cacn play what ever you want, all the money has gained, not of robery, but its non of your own. You all like control the game, you life like old days, nothing has changed. .
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