You want to see them cry

Piia Myyry

You just habe been beated all your life, doctors beat people to get a new car, you drive with you kartell money, you hang around with your old buddies.

You really live in black zone, ' you attack there an break the bones, you keep it as a game, you beat people like a war game.

You hit the women all your life, you follow their life, make them cry, you call yourself a doctor, you play your nursing bodies, a new kind of war zone,

They all have their parents, you really dont care, its your family who quide them with violance, we all wonder, why you are still free, you beat hard violance, you are really mean.

You want to see the cry, it has been your style, all life, you still live like the same, you all play the same black game.

In legal worlds it is called kartell, its your joke with your tallinn friends, you attack to strangers homes, I dont know these peoples, they are some other peoples homes.

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