Follow or Fall Down

Mehto & Kiviharju

heavy heavy like under like take hold of the night heavy heavy dark and sweet pressing down whispers grow from the ground bed time story falling all the flowers bloom

follow or fall down keep your dreams from fellow ground follow or fall down keep your dreams from fellow ground

ladadadatataaa lada da taa laaaa-aa ooo laadadadddata lada da taa ladatatadaaaa daaaaa-aaaaaa

dusk and darkness shadows call is there some one at the door in the cold of your eye touch the secret catch the light

follow or fall down keep your dreams from fellow ground follow or fall down keep your dreams from fellow ground

happy happy such a heat light take hold of the night

follow or fall down keep your dreams from fellow ground follow or fall down keep your dreams from fellow ground

laadadadddata lada da taa ladatatadaaaa daaaaa-aaaaaa ooo-o ladadatataa ldadatataaa ladatadataaa waaa-aaa-aaa

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