Search results for query: Chances

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You got your chance

…You got your chance You lost your chance You will never find me I will disappear from your life You got your chance You lost your chance You will never find me I will disappear from your life You can try to find me…

66.17 %

…a right idea at the wrong time But I'm curios, I'm curious And I'm thinking bout you is a crime I'm curious, I'm curious And take my chances come whatever me I'll pick my battles, die some other day Tonight we'll dance…

50.91 %
0 tolerance for violance
Piia Myyry

…You all are already over aged, you work in industrial sector, you work all day long, you have good works, you still have another kind of style, you talk and work on chanel, where you can be, what your person really is…

45.17 %
Goblins' Dance

…The works of Dreaming evil, and the joy of unholiness No soul was left alone, in the mayhem of the human race "Hahahahaa!!!, Let us joy, Let us dance!!!" So they danced their macabre dances From the three ascending moons, moonshine was spilling onto the ground, Gruesome trophies were all around, In the halls of the Goblin King…

43.02 %
36.02 %
Blind Channel
30.01 %
Blind channel
30.01 %
Sammunut nuotio chanel four
Chanel four
29.41 %
We Are No Saints
Blind Channel
29.24 %