Search results for query: Ever gonna be yeah yeah so the heart is the

Song and Artist Hit-%
Poison Heart

…everybody has a poison heart A poison heart A poison heart A poison heart Yeah You know that life really takes its toll And a poet's gut reaction is to search his very soul So much damn confusion before my eyes But nothing…

100.00 %
Hell Yeah

…Taste the bile down in my throat Be the flea I'll be your goat Raining down from stars above Endless streams of plastic love Feel the core that's melting down See the fools all wearing crowns Twist the blade you sunk…

98.75 %
Only Girl In The World

…I want you to love me, like I'm a hot ride Keep thinkin' of me, doin' what you like So boy forget about the world cause it's gon' be me and you tonight I wanna make you beg for it, then I'ma make you swallow your pride…

85.30 %
Push It To The Limit
Battle Beast

…keep it Hit the wheel and double mistakes Throttle wide open like a bat out of hell And you crash the gates (Crash the gates) Going for the back of beyond Nothing gonna stop you there's nothing that strong. So close now…

82.05 %

…inside, don't be tardy So, now you're stuck in there Half a heart is left, but don't die, die, die Die-die-die 'Cause, baby, tonight The creeper's tryna steal all our stuff again 'Cause, baby, tonight You grab your pick…

80.75 %
Molly The Murderer
Sturm und Drang
80.55 %
Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart

…...all I ever wanted is you, my love You're all I ever wanted, just you Let me never see the sun And never see you smile Let us be so dead and so gone So far away from life Just close my eyes Hold me tight And bury me deep…

80.33 %
The 9th Circle

Is it so hard to believe the hearts are made to be broken? Can't you see that the beauty of love lies in constant times? Don't you want our hearts to be torn wide open? Won't you feel the heaven in our endless cry? Oh…

79.11 %
The Heartless

…running out And you still haven't made up your mind Can't you see he's the heartless And you're one of a kind He's the heartless You can't see he's the heartless Your pain won't ever be love It doesn't matter how hard you try To you all is lost He's the heartless…

78.87 %
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