Search results for query: Footsprint in the sand

Song and Artist Hit-%
The white sand beaches

…be your bunny hole day. My friends have become cheerleaders, they are interested,' o cute guys, and everything, which feeds them. its now a rainy evening, I stay home and think, of days in the spanish climat. Mornings were just fun, take a coffee, and lay under the sun. At the white sandbeaches, only wine bottles drinking.…

100.00 %
the Caribbean lifestyle
Piia Myyry

…I just see money dynes, It's like in Canarian islands, money is my endless child, you see it everywhere, like sand shining on a sunny night, its ideal life, like the Caribbean lifestyle. It´s all-new for you, but you…

62.63 %
Crows Bring The Spring

…flames Bring warmth with crows Reveals stones from the snow You can see the snow On the mountain tops And brook's to the sea Soon sun rises over the hills [Chorus:] Endless sky, burning red Purple clouds touch the top of the mountain And in the wind, I hear those crows They will bring the spring And take the cold away…

60.49 %
The Greatest Show On Earth

…as you’d be done by Enter history, the grand finale Enter Ratkind Man, he took his time in the sun Had a dream to understand A single grain of sand He gave birth to poetry But one day’ll cease to be Greet the last light…

53.74 %
In the EU
Piia Myyry

…drive around the land, it's your work, it keeps you busy. you see people in the cities, you like your autobahn, you have cabriolet cars, you go around the nation cities, in the EU, you think we don't follow you. You give…

44.98 %
In The Night Side Of Eden

…Divided we stand in the light of a frozen sun Cursing the Gods we have become We steal the fire from a sacred heart And bleed the wine unholy We fall in love with the serpent's song And fear nothing In the nightside of…

44.86 %
Only Girl In The World

…Only one, Want you to take me like a thief in the night Hold me like a pillow, make me feel alright Baby I'll tell you all my secrets that I'm keepin' and you can come inside And when you enter, you ain't leavin', be my…

44.54 %
they are footballers
Piia Myyry

…You all love you violent lives, you get to money of corruption, like in ivy times, you beat women to the beds, non is not no, you do what you please, you beat them in hotels, homes and cars, there is always present…

43.80 %
I Want The World... And Everything In It
Battle Beast

…through my hand Too drunk on power To tell who's friend, who's foe Get away, bloody vultures, Who feed upon my flame I want the World And everything in it I'll take it all With my passion and my crime I want the World And

43.71 %
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