Search results for query: Frank+Sinatra+My+way

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Minä tahtoisin laulaa sinulle, sinä lapsonen vieraan maan (sanat Mirjam Kaaja)
Solid tai Reijo Frank
44.05 %
Kallion Kaduilta San Fransiscoon (Sinä ja Frank)
Oudot Unet

…Kallion kaduilta San Fransiscoon Sinä ja Frank Jouduin tyytymään sun siskoon Mä sain vähemmän Ja se Frank, ymmärrän Se oli kaikista komein gentleman Mut se Frank, tiedäthän Se piti miehistä suakin enemmän Eikö niin…

43.99 %
Better Off This Way

…gonna do everything I never thought I could I'm gonna dance all night like never before To the morning light and maybe some more 'Cause I'm free now and I'm better off this way, yeah! Gonna ride my Harley, drink some Jack…

40.65 %
Always By My Side

…high, always by my side I was running, I was running in the dark Thought I'd find the way, but in the end was feeling lost And I was trying, I was trying way too hard Drifting far away and yet you never were too far…

40.46 %
Born This Way

…, babe" "So hold your head up, girl and you'll go far, Listen to me when I say" I'm beautiful in my way, 'Cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way Don't hide yourself in regret, Just…

39.98 %
Love Is The Best Way To Kill
P. M. Kostiainen Project

…Consentrate and defeat Masquerade fade away Catphrase in your face What it takes, counterfeit Show me your heart 'cos I don't trust you Love is the best way to kill If my brains are downstairs Then you could swallow my

38.88 %
Ystävien erotessa
Reijo Frank
38.22 %
New Way Home
Isac Elliot
36.67 %
Minun tieni (My Way) (comme d´habitude)
Eino Grön
34.82 %