Search results for query: Lyrics+himlen+I+famnen

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NDJENJA [English Lyrics]

…Intro: I don’t know what to say anymore I don’t have a single word left You took my soul You shattered my heart Chorus: Why are you playing with FEELINGS It’s not ok to play with feelings-you Where are you my love…

69.13 %
Ritva oksanen vanhaa viiniä lyrics
Ritva oksanenju
59.56 %
Beliver lyrics suomeksi
39.77 %
Pokémon (Finnish Lyrics)
Anssi Känsälä
36.93 %
A family of my own

…to my warrior, he is my bunny, we have every kind of fun there, in our house, you could be my spouse. I just try to write my lyrics, with these people it is rough, they dont interest me all all, they just do their things, they way, they think, people dont have any light, of their own.…

34.72 %
Pirun kaunis nainen glifters


28.02 %
Velvet Ocean

…Music and Lyrics: Riitu Ronkainen I'm afraid Give me your light I want to hide from this darkness Could you do it for me? Show me your light Would you give peace to my soul Only you can set me free Can I get out of…

21.68 %

I heard you to say "claro", its ok, you life your life selffish way, anyway. I just really dont have, so much to do, I just write the lyrics, to have something to do, since the company, doesnt interest me at all. I

21.48 %
Velvet Ocean

…Music and Lyrics: Riitu Ronkainen I thought we would make up And nothing could break us What happened to you? I gave you all that you needed Do you remember? Did you forget? I don't understand Is this the end? Now I'm…

20.63 %