Search results for query: Sting

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The Phantom Gate

…funeral pyre I spread my wings for you Heaven let your gate be open I'll bless you with venomous kisses My love in its own cruelty Listen to my heart to hear it sing A song of returning to heaven Feel my poison sting

65.35 %
Stina Girs
28.06 %
Kesä on kreisi feat. Mandy
Lidl Stingy
24.79 %
Sydän sanoo ei
Stina Girs
23.69 %
Stina Girs
23.69 %
Stina Girs
23.69 %
Sä teet historiaa
Stina Girs
23.69 %
Sydän edellä
Stina Girs
23.69 %
Stina Girs
22.72 %