Song and Artist | Hit-% |
Lippulaulu/Flag song
Finland …Our blue cross flag, we swear to you, with a heart: for you, live and die is the highs our desire.- Like heaven and get Finland are the purity of your color. You'll raise our minds and our homes will raise.- Fathers… |
81.03 % |
You all come from finland
Piia Myyry …them to death, its your style, you dont change much. You just wait and beat, you have no hobbies, 'women you kill, you like your violent life, you have many victims, you have lived like it all your life. You all come from finland, you really life, like in england, you comre from quiet citied, 'behind it you see what it really is.… |
51.89 % |
Army technic
Piia Myyry …So hard this life has never been in finland, you sit and talk, and make you contracts, they beat people in houses over the years, cause them to be tired, and feel bad in their lives, from the distant connection, you… |
50.61 % |
Finlanders …nää, en tiedä enkä siedä ilman sua elämää. Mä en jaksa enkä maksa, hei voitko ymmärtää, että mun on vaikee ajatella yksin elämää. Siis en pysty enkä kykene en kuule enkä nää, en muista, että luistais suksi ilman ystävää… |
32.13 % |
Rasmus Gozzi Finland, Rasmus Gozzi, Levi-Äijä, Aso K |
32.09 % |
hiljaiset sillat
Finlanders |
18.59 % |
Meren aalloilla
Finlanders |
18.33 % |
In wonderland
Piia Myyry …Alisa is a new model, comes from finland, sees all the boys, all the cousins are just fine, the crazy is their lifestyle. You aleady have your kids, they are like models, you have bunnies to feed, they jump at your… |
18.30 % |
Maamme ja Finlandia
Mika Rämä …Tulee lunta tupaan, taivaalta tappuraa satelee Päätynyt kun on tänne pohjoiseen Missä kosket kuohuvat uomissaan Ja sydän on aina huolissaan Ja tuulessa soi Maamme ja Finlandia Kuka ois uskonut ettei tullutkaan sitä… |
18.13 % |
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