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Business City

…Onks träkki auki? Jes! Lets go! Onks kaikki tyypit ladulla? -Tarvii vähän virtaa tähän paikkaan! Kertokaa mulle, ootteko valmiita Business Cityyn? Pistetään hiki virtaan Sanoin: et pistetään hiki virtaan! joo…

68.82 %
Setämiehet Säätää
Business City
65.07 %
Yks yö Lahes
Business City
64.91 %
Business City
64.91 %
Killing Loneliness

…Memories sharp as daggers Pierce into the flesh of today Suicide of love took away all that matters And buried the remains in an unmarked grave in your heart With the venomous kiss you gave me I'm killing loneliness…

48.41 %
Missing In Action
P. M. Kostiainen Project

…Lazy sunday low Comes to the town Maybe this is the way To breakaway, baby Missing in action Lost your satisfaction Fact or fiction Go to the wrong direction Maybe less is more Too much for love Revolution and remedy A mind without a melody Missing in action Lost your satisfaction Fact or fiction Go to the wrong direction…

47.87 %
The Foreboding Sense Of Impending Happiness

…By your heartstrings, I am hanging from a dream Gently swinging in the warm autumn breeze Come look at the scars smother a heart Opening up No more Tiptoeing along a strand of your hair suspended between These…

40.81 %
Jenni Vartiainen

…sinusta niin silloinko epäonnistun Kuinka Edenistä autioituu maa, Jossa ei tietkään johda mihinkään 
 Ja täällä kasvaa ainoastaan ajatus, Ei meitä ikuisiksi tehtykään Ai ai ai ai, ai ai ai ai, ai ai uuuu Pelkääkö…

40.66 %
Blind channel

…could happen?) Interviews? Million views? Drinking all this booze just to let it loose? Nothing as scary as when your dreams come true, oh Your friend who is not my friend Should keep their nose out of my business I don't…

38.36 %