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Johnny B. Goethe
Juice Leskinen

…Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh. In allen Wipfeln spürest du kaum einen Hauch. Die Vögelein schweigen in Walde. Warte nur, balde ruhest du auch. Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh. In allen Wipfeln spürest du kaum einen Hauch. Die Vögelein schweigen in Walde. Warte nur, balde ruhest du auch.…

16.75 %
Something better

…Even human bound, people rolling dice. Image on the ground, such a novel life. He thought, while knowing nothing at all. Every option noted, or tendency made. They will carry on, until the perfect date. She said. While…

11.24 %
Freud Marx Engels & Jung
10.83 %
Freud Marx Engels & Jung
9.79 %
Freud Marx Engels & Jung
9.79 %
Freud Marx Engels & Jung
9.54 %
Freud Marx Engels & Jung
9.53 %

…] tält ne kasvukivut kuullostaa mul on 74 mustelmaa ja niil on jokasella rooli ne on osa tätä stoorii tekee must mitä oon ja mä oon vähä X2 (stereo)…

9.19 %
provocating steps (adults, engl.)

…like a hell. You walk like you dont care, you have a timed look, you are surely afraid of life or love. You are like a fire with love. You are shy like a little guy, how big is your ego, how far you can go, how small you really are, how much you really care so far.…

9.10 %