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Business City

…Onks träkki auki? Jes! Lets go! Onks kaikki tyypit ladulla? -Tarvii vähän virtaa tähän paikkaan! Kertokaa mulle, ootteko valmiita Business Cityyn? Pistetään hiki virtaan Sanoin: et pistetään hiki virtaan! joo…

34.97 %
Setämiehet Säätää
Business City
31.33 %
Yks yö Lahes
Business City
31.22 %
Business City
31.22 %
Sacrament of Wilderness
17.85 %
This Fortress Of Tears

…No one can hurt you now In this haven safe and sound No one can save you now From this grace you are drowning in Just hold your breath on your way down This fortress of tears I've built from my fears for you This…

15.79 %
No culpa sine lege
Piia Myyry

…life and scores, you have done it all when your were young, for you everything is speed. You all have yur homes in other lands, ' you have rainbow lands, you like it so, its not for me, i dont like to share my life…

12.22 %
Disarm Me (With Your Loneliness)

…called love For you Disarm me with your loneliness Just like always before Deceive me out of my emptiness Telling me how you love me with all your heart No more Tell me how much you miss my warmth Tell me how my kiss can change your world Tell me how much it hurts to be alone Lie to me that you love me with all your heart No more…

10.21 %
You only live for yourself
Piia Myyry

…You only live for yourself, your businesses are your own, you all come to your home, you all play for the stones, you all want it all, you all see the bright stones. You all have to work of your own, I like big cities…

9.99 %