Search results for query: can you use clip studio paint with mouse

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You really like your style
Piia Myyry

You like to play music, you want to use your new boost, you have evetything, for your evening, you go you with your women. You all want to see life, in the nights you run wild, you have no other life, 'its easy for you

51.83 %
You want back home
Piia Myyry

…gained it, northern man want to own women, and use the power to do it, you must have a northern man, who pay just for the company, since loneliness is not fun. You can just style everything, yourself and room, someone pays for it, when you get abroad, you really don't enjoy it, you want back home, and stay with your family.…

45.62 %
You are the one
Piia Myyry

…, so you can life a better life, you all are the criminal ones, there is again the mouse fight, you benefit of it all, you are all the time between it all. You cant get the same act over the years, this kind of life you

44.33 %
In love with you

…love for a lifetime, is based on what, can you name it, is it a harmony or the real action, is it the heat, or balance of bodies in the action, or is it all just the illusion, what kind ot love is meant for your body, or do i need to tease you with the money?…

43.48 %
You beat leukemi
Piia Myyry

…suffer, to get another court hearing, with your friends, you use people, arrange crimes and beat. You beat leukemi, and get disappointed, when you dont get what you want, you have arranged it, yourself with your friends. They are all doctors, indifferent fields.…

42.18 %
You feed your virgin all your life
Piia Myyry

You just invest, you have no school, you just need your own room. You have gained everything outside, all comes with relationes, you just need to show up, you have money to raise a child, you feed your virgin all your…

41.81 %
You can enjoy of life
Piia Myyry

You like your psykiatric violens, you do it with your friends, like old times, you just do it, no human have no value, all is in their lifes, you just need, to be stabil. You really dont care no-one, all is your need…

39.94 %
I want to be with you

…I just want to be with you, I am tired of this game, Its all the same anyway, I just want to get married, settle down, and fell the heat of the skin. I am tired of going around, without a stop, where I cant find love…

39.65 %
>You can breath more
Piia Myyry

…divorced, they have two houses, its releafing, they say, its not anymore the same, you can breath more, the marriage has been like hell, you dont miss it these days.…

38.75 %