Search results for query: contribute to a common understanding among users of the roadway

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The Greatest Show On Earth

…as you’d be done by Enter history, the grand finale Enter Ratkind Man, he took his time in the sun Had a dream to understand A single grain of sand He gave birth to poetry But one day’ll cease to be Greet the last light…

55.94 %
Shudder Before The Beautiful

The deepest solace lies in understanding, This ancient unseen stream, A shudder before the beautiful Awake, oceanborn Behold this force Bring the outside in Explode the self to epiphany The very core of life The

51.92 %
Dead to the World

…, Ocean soul) It's not the monsters under your bed It is the Man next door That makes you fear, makes you cry, Makes you cry for the child All the wars are fought among those lonely men Unarmed, unscarred I don't want to

49.68 %
[Ghost] Riders in the Sky
The Highwaymen (Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson)

…An old cowpoke went riding out one dark and windy day Along the ridge he rested as he went along his way When all at once a mighty herd of red-eyed cows he saw A-plowing through the ragged brush and up the cloudy draw…

49.65 %
City of New Orleans
The Highwaymen (Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson)

…City of New Orleans Changin' cars in Memphis, Tennessee Halfway home, we′ll be there by mornin' Through the Mississippi darkness rollin′ down to the sea But all the towns & people seem to fade into a bad dream And the

48.01 %
Centre Of My Universe
Hanoi Rocks

…friend I'm alone in the centre of my universe Time is a file – if revealed it would be most unkind Better stop tryin' to change the past And try to find something that will last I walked on hoping someday Someone would come…

46.06 %
Eva (Demo Version)

…with life ahead For a memory of one kind word She would stay among the beasts Time for one more daring dream Before her escape, edenbeam We kill with her own loving heart Eva flies away Dreams the world far away In this…

44.07 %
A Return to the Sea

A star falls down from the darkened sky Where new worlds born and die Kingdom Animalia watches its approaching glow What it means is soon to be known Beneath the lovely birch honeymakers build their nest in peace On…

43.45 %
The Highwaymen (Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson)

…I was a highwayman. Along the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a young maid lost her baubles to my trade Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade The bastards hung me in the spring of

42.85 %