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Super knight

…This is the end of the world when the ware wolf came on ,a tornado came and a legend came to a world full of big knights a dragon came on with a legend that never ended…

35.08 %
A sudden attack

…Its just a sudden attack, to get what you want, to pack up, its really not love, its just a balance of it all. It can be a naive romance, but there is many people, to take to the same dance. Its not the only one moment…

30.75 %
Courthouse attacts
Piia Myyry

…, you all are kicked out of the schools, you reallyhave seen it all, before you have gain your own rooms. This is a story of a narsismus, it focus the own life, doesent see nothing else, not even goose, i dont know what to say., courthouse attacts, you have chosen this way.…

30.41 %
Its their gift
Piia Myyry

…You have wanted yourself every kind of goods, i have nothing, only a room, you pay for your friends, a solitary game, you life in europe, it should be easy, no violant games. You all just want attack other cities, i…

25.48 %
Skinny Young Dumb Rich

…Young dumb rich Young dumb rich I've bee riding with these same three chords For so long and you still don't know my name PYRY Now you know my name Now you know my game Soon to be wonderful yeah They say you gonna…

23.21 %
You blackmale people of sex
Piia Myyry

…You have the life like schoolbook, this is a new thing, like in harry potter rooms, you dont know, what happens next, you have the room for new kind of violance. You have the attantion, of your show, who really wants…

22.50 %
Breaking the rules
Piia Myyry

…with you, grouds are more powerful,¨ they work on groups, its is sort of powering, you get everything of amouts of people, when they are violating things. These people are criminal, 'they benefit of it iat work, 'all the

22.47 %
Enter The Metal World
Battle Beast

…It's not the sun in the sky That shines on me when I cry It's not the one we all can see The one that lives in me I'm afraid of never finding her on time Gonna pray I'll never die The nightmare has begun Enter the

20.76 %
20.52 %