Search results for query: cute-places-to-go-with-friends

Song and Artist Hit-%
Torture them with your friends
Piia Myyry

…the time the victim, of all your phaces. You really are not keen on romantic life, its just enough to have, some girlfriend, You just do what you want, ' its still the vantaa game, connected to all your friends, torture them with your friends.…

100.00 %
With your friends
Piia Myyry

…the time, with your friends, you all want to see people, thats what you need, you like to enter peoples homes, you run there like kids, all day long.…

98.64 %
Blank friends
Piia Myyry

…You all want to eat in peace, you have had an easy life, you havent never go to schools, they are the one, who went to black cafeterias, and had blank friends, who make living of black boxes, like they say it. You beat…

89.27 %
its all about friends
Piia Myyry

…, you have a better life, you like to stay at your own life, you really want to have it, these guys just sit home, with their wifes. They led them to do what they wont, they go to work and come home, you really like your…

78.50 %
with corruptions
Piia Myyry

…You all love your black lifes, you go to work and see the blue sky, you live in your own bubbles, 'you think that humans are good, you feat you estonian lifes, you really like that kind of life, you feet your estonian…

66.79 %
I want to be with you

…I just want to be with you, I am tired of this game, Its all the same anyway, I just want to get married, settle down, and fell the heat of the skin. I am tired of going around, without a stop, where I cant find love…

66.66 %
You like cute guys,
Piia Myyry

…lifes, 'you all are infected by different virus, you all have grouped in your own friends, to your own cars. You all have followed my life, 'i like th car race, now its my part, you all have the same problems, you have…

66.48 %
To fill their empty places

…a tender life, places, where to go, and the climat, which is easy. It softens your life, it feels really different, you surely know it, if you have seen the life. I am bored of being in here, in the north, working all…

66.02 %
doctor friends
Piia Myyry

…I have my childhood friend, they are kind, nice to be with good friends, you cant really brake peoples bones, you like golden cut, breaking everybodies bones. you dont let them to do their work, you are so hyperactive…

64.46 %
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