Search results for query: diferencia entre make y do

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…You all like your small little women, they make you hot you like the game, they tease you and make your crazy, you dont talk, but we see your face, you like it, you like to go to the bars, nightclubs, and love shadow…

59.29 %
Live in different ways
Piia Myyry

…war game, you play citywar, its illegal every way. You all like your old school, you sit at home and talk all day long, you seem to have nothing to do, you all have your past, I dont know what you do, all your guys have been sportiv, hyperactive, like some do.…

44.38 %
Its pretty different life
Piia Myyry

…I have made song all my life, we write it all, its my life, I have made a song of you, its good, like it seem to be. You just inspire me, its your style, you have to be me, You all just sit there with your famielies…

44.17 %
Madrid makes me sad
Piia Myyry

…I want t make love to you, Fernando, like they do in french movies, very sensual giving and partation. Paris is a city for overs, eternal city, full of tourists, waking happily ahead on the streets. its now a girls…

43.81 %
One to Make You Smile
The Youths

…Doo do doo do padappaa The most beautiful girl alive! Give me a chance to have you by my side Could I be the one, could I? Doo do doo do padappaa The most wonderful girl alive! Give me a chance to make you mine Could I…

40.71 %
You all are different
Piia Myyry

…You must have a better life, you have no problem with anything, you can love life, you have to do it all, they have their husbands, and the society back up it good, you all are different, some people have the easier…

36.42 %
Paris seems to make good
Piia Myyry

…restless child, money makes me happy, comforts life. You just want something nice to do, I don't really understand it, money only moves me. Waisting the time, just for nothing, like you call it. Paris seems to make good to you, you look handsome, like you used to do, lucky free-time, i can feel your moves.…

36.16 %
Axe of Judgement

make them suffer! I share no thought for the dark depths where fate made me dwell My hate has shaped me to perfection A ruthless executioner Remember this hate Was the only thought in my head When I woke up wounded on…

34.60 %
You make new crimes
Piia Myyry

…You all are criminals, your work is in that side, you do everything to your wife, like in movies, you like the brutal life, nobody comes to see you, they are afraid of your violent side. You all have the raw side, 'its…

33.87 %