Search results for query: do-you-get-a-monthly-check-when-you-adopt-a-child-in-new-jersey

Song and Artist Hit-%
You get blind
Piia Myyry

…play hard, you like the game, you like to play police but it is your own life, you do nothing all the crimes come to you, you are magnet of your time, like a magnificient child, you have no own life, some god decides of your joynrey like a sky, when there is storm, all the night, and the sky it soo dark, you get blind.…

100.00 %
You are like as child
Piia Myyry

child, you like everykind of nice things, other people do it for you, you like to be with the children. You all love your salaries, after you run all the people, who have pain in the chest, or broken legs, you all have…

77.71 %
You can be a rockstar
Piia Myyry

…I already had a band, when i was a child, girlband and music tv, on that time, playing drums was my like, writing lyrics on time to time, its was all fun, you had a school band, upper glass child, you liked that kind…

76.72 %
You Don't Get Me
Anna Abreu

…tell who they are on The love you see in my eyes Is just a reflection of your own refrain: No matter what you say No matter what you do No matter how you play No matter how you woo You won't get me Because you don't get

72.94 %
You beat people in gates
Piia Myyry

you beat people in gates, you attact to their home, to see their sorrow face, you really are criminal with your family, you beat then in bed, to get your dick up. You live in northern life, ihavens seen such a rude…

70.96 %
You get frustrated
Piia Myyry

…all are bound to your families, its a big burden for everybody else, these divorced families, during the days, i ts all about feelings, every day, you get frustrated, and do your own things.…

70.30 %
You like it or not
Piia Myyry

…like you just want, you get disappointed, when you dont get what you want, you make them diseaces everyday, its you own bubble, doesnt fit to the society, you receive new games.…

68.57 %
You all come from carelia
Piia Myyry

…kill, every day is is the same nights, you get layed with violance, or make a new hospital patience, its your life. The turbulence is hard, every day, you like to life your own ways, to mark all the people in finland…

68.19 %
It gives you power
Piia Myyry

…to spend the days. You really love your nockout sex, people have no own power, when you just need to get layed, you take what you want, they want sex, they beat it in new games, you like groups, you need them, it gives…

67.81 %
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