Search results for query: four-winds-training-cost

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Sammunut nuotio chanel four
Chanel four
33.37 %
Suuret Setelit
Four Cats
29.61 %
Four Cats
29.61 %
Sieluni soitto
Channel four
28.63 %
Vuosien jälkeen lyric and chords
Channel Four
26.95 %
Pyyhi pois mun kyyneleet
Channel Four
26.50 %
Ann Christine ja Four Cats
21.62 %
Kun Twistataan
Ann Christine and Four Cats
20.78 %

…Gathering thoughts, take me into a whirl of silence Gathering thoughts, give me the strenght to survive this Wail to me my winds Fly away with frozen wings Take my life to your hands O'cold wasteland... of Frost Great land of…

15.99 %