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I'd go gay for you
Miia Liu

…tajuun I'd go gay for you Mun sydämessä alka sähkökatkot Kun kysyt oisko mun luona jatkot Ja mä avan sulle ovet toivoen Et jotain tapahtuu, aamuyöstä Sä kerrot mulle kaiken sun elämästä Taidan mennä sulle ystävästä…

23.48 %
19.91 %
Scissor, Paper, Rock

…I'm river and I'm stone I shiver but I know I'm young but oh so old Played scissor paper rock I'd run till I was caught Games end but nothing stops The rocks will turn to dust The scissor starts to rust The ink will…

13.34 %
Our Diabolikal Rapture

…Your love is the only thing I live for in this world Oh, how I wait for the day your heart burns In these heavenly flames I have already scorched in I just want you to know I'll always be waiting…

12.02 %
Törkkivä Björkki

gay Sitä mörköö naurismaastansa pois viitti ajaa ei Törkkivä Björkki, Islannin örkki Törkkivä Björkki, Ja saatana törkkiminen vörkki…

11.71 %
Born This Way

…, babe" "So hold your head up, girl and you'll go far, Listen to me when I say" I'm beautiful in my way, 'Cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way Don't hide yourself in regret, Just…

11.13 %
Klamy rock
7.88 %
The Wonder Of The Christmas Day

…in the year Your spirit is the wonder of the Christmas day, ooooooo... <sax solo> <guitar solo> Go sing along with the carols Share your christmas cheer There's nothing wrong in acting slightly weird or gay Go give…

6.74 %
5.40 %