Search results for query: microwave 20 năm

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20 Ave Mariaa

…saa ilmaa lupaan ettet voi mua rakastaa liikaa Koske mua nyt, sillä voit mut armahtaa beibi Mä en edes usko voimaan korkeempaan mut mä voin lausuu 20 Ave Mariaa Jos kosket mua nyt, sillä voit mut armahtaa viimeinkin…

46.78 %
20 vuotta sikana
Eppu Normaali
18.00 %
Iltaa ootteko nähny meidän tiltaa
Kuusenkerk 9.5. 20:00
18.00 %
In neighbourhood
Piia Myyry

…needs. You all like to be part of the kartell, you all gain profits, you have no time to study, you are so poor, it feeds you, you have the kids at the age of 20, you are bound to it, you are so insane of the jealousy, that people can´t life, you arrange your lifes with guys, you get what you need.…

14.74 %
Vilho Makkonen, Sanoin ja Sävelin
14.67 %
During the nights
Piia Myyry

…not changed, for 20 years, people are educated, to the new changes, they are jealous and fast in everything, in authorities gears roll slow, nothing happens like they do, during the nights, slow gears. You all are angry…

13.91 %
Your own moves
Piia Myyry

…many lifes, such an insanity, I never seen in my entire life, you are the boyfriend of my childhood friends, its 20 years ago, I have seen their faces. You navigate from your new gate, you follow people, they have no room…

13.65 %
Pokemon (J&E Remix) feat. Sharon, Biggy Pop
Portion Boys

…pickatsu you can be my number one baby catch my balls catch my balls I'm sorry mamma because I'm catching pokemon already 20 miles away from home because I'm catching pokemon it does not matter how far I'm gonna hit you baby…

13.06 %
You like sex and money
Piia Myyry

…You beat people white jacket on, your criminal friends sit at police, they do nothing, they watch beside, then there is new criminal night behind, you all want to have all to you, its the same people, when i was 20, now…

12.78 %