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you share women
Piia Myyry

…, and seek new mates, its all about you and your friends, they are all violant, but you like it that way. You all fuck your friends, 'you share women, to have sex, you really play with guys, there is no space for women…

16.00 %
Come from north
Piia Myyry

…You all love your new lifes, these people, come from north, they get it all, they have stuborn lifestyles, you dont need them, but you dont get rid of their faces, they steel your time, and are everywhere. You give me…

11.88 %
In northern light
Piia Myyry (Rock)

…You life in northern lights, there is a lack of the sun light, you like the dark nights, its for you an angel, you can move your own cars, you are allergic to every human, its all about the sex and finance, you come from the north, its hard to live in the cities, like they want it.…

11.43 %
You come from north
Piia Myyry

…come from the helsinki area, you come from north, you dont need work, all the time, you all come form the big cities, their lifes are in two places, you all like you new love lives. You like your homes, its just fun…

11.27 %
They come from north
Piia Myyry

…You al have your dream works, you enjoy of it, especially the money, and all the good, which come with it, you love you rindependent life, dont you get bored of it, you have to be self-efficient. You all are like…

11.18 %
You all life in north
Piia Myyry

…You like you potter kind of lifes, you do nothing, you like to surrender all the time, i have really nothing to say, its all so boring, that change the game, you all think you can life like that, you all are in police…

10.10 %
Set Me Loose
Bad King

…volts! I just love the way you do it, do it, do it, do it. My heart's in flames when you do it, do it, do it and do it. And it kills the pain when you set me loose, and I'll never get enough of you. Just do it, do it, do…

9.80 %
The Wayfarer

…I went around the world, beyond the wild Finding my home from an ocean shore Wayfarer, heartlander What if I only had One more night to live Home is where the way is My road goes on forever One more voyage to go Dead to the world Alive for the journey…

8.20 %

…I went around the world, beyond the wild Finding my home from an ocean shore Wayfarer, heart lander What if I only had One more night to live Home is where the way is My road goes on forever One more voyage to go Dead to the world Alive for the journey…

7.63 %