Search results for query: obito uchiha coolest guy meme

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Birthday guy
21.31 %
lonely guy on asfalt
Piia Myyry

…You are like a lonely guy on asfalt, you have your own sky, you call it naranja fun, you like the southern beach, its you church, life is there fun and easy. Caliente servesa on the pool, bikinies and your moves, makes…

20.15 %
Its rich peoples game
Piia Myyry

…You think, life end to the 40s for you people are just harm, you want to sit there like a teen, watching tv with your new guy. I never had such a time, life in different cities is different, that doesnt interest you…

8.08 %
You like you bitter life
Piia Myyry

…You like your bitter life, you help nothing you are a guy, you all get your food of violance, holding hands, leeking the cruelty, over the days, you have been resined you your own needs, its all in other peolpes wallets…

7.76 %
I never seen such a guys
Piia Myyry

…you beat beat people to grave, its your life. I never seen such a guys, you really kill women, it excited your life.…

7.18 %
You prevent peoples life
Piia Myyry

…You all have divorced, your mates have married a new guy, who you dont know, you all are a bit different, than i know, You come from the areas, which really are acly, givins better to someone else, is just neet and…

6.99 %
Ihan Helmi

…talteen paan Sä oot ihan helmi äiti kuitenkin Nään sun silmistä, et aina ymmärrä vaik kovasti sä tahdot yrittää Silti älä huoli hei, Mikään hukkaan mene ei Sillä huolenpitos ihon alle jää Vaik en koskaan sanokaan, Arvata…

6.53 %
Streitti & Cool
Blokestreet Boyzz

…läpi Oon streitti, oon cool Tai voit vetää mutkat suoriks Olla cooli ja swägi MATTI Alkoholi antaa tunteille tilaa Suomi-miehelle se ei ole kivaa Rohkaisuryypyn voit työntää veks Absolutistina saan paljo aikasex…

5.34 %
provocating steps (adults, engl.)

…like a hell. You walk like you dont care, you have a timed look, you are surely afraid of life or love. You are like a fire with love. You are shy like a little guy, how big is your ego, how far you can go, how small you really are, how much you really care so far.…

4.53 %